
 I was honored to get my first award 2012 and that was an award for the last year’s best sport performance (only for karate athletes). I was very glad to receive it and that scholarship has helped me a lot. Karate is an expensive sport, especially since I travel so far to my trainings.

During 2011 I also received a scholarship which Birgitta Lindblom, that the national team’s general manager (she was our GM until spring 2012), helped me to get. She was searching money individual and received one scholarship to me under the category “coming star”.

Like I said before, karate is an expensive sport, at least for me. Scholarships and different kinds of sponsoring will help me a lot on my way to the international top. It’s important to be supported so I can reach my goals. These two scholarships have helped me a lot to make my trainings better and more effective. They have also helped me with the possibility to train more often.