Guess who

Posted by on Dec 23, 2015 in Blog | 0 comments

First of all, it’s finally christmas vacation. Since I started medschool we have never had one single christmas vacation. But this year we have. 2016 is gonna be such a fantastic year. So anyway, this is my first day “free from school”. Yesterday we wrote our last exam which I actually think went good, but you never know so I’ll wait for the result before I say anything more haha.

Today I slept way too long but it doesn’t matter, I still have time for 2 trainings which is the most important factor. There will first be a karate session and after that I will go for a run later tonight. Next competition for me will be Paris Open next year in January. Looking forward!!!

Also look what a nice and cool t-shirt our national karate federation has. Guess who is in the picture?

Un beso
